We teach max. 2 students per an IKO qualified instructor.

Kitesurf Courses Available Price in HKD
 3-day Beginner package Covers all you need to know to get up and going on the board - Up to or completing IKO kiteboarder Level 1 and 2 $4,500
 1-day Kiteboarding Discovery Gives the would be kiteboarder all the information that you need to determine if kiteboarding is the sport for you $500
 1-day Private A private lesson to work on any particular skill you may require $2,000
 1-day Intermediate age Covers any skills you require such as upwind kiting, gibing, water re-launching, and jumping. (Level 3 $2,000
(Note: All Kiteboarding equipments included)

At HKKA we offer a 3 day package for the beginner. With this course we teach new riders all the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to kiteboard in a responsible and competent manner. Our aim is to ensure that you are independent as a new kiter so that afterwards you can go away and practice safely. As any experienced kiteboarder understands, accidents can and do occur, but are generally the result of rider inexperience, negligence and lack of kite knowledge. We feel that this course offers the required time needed to achieve the goal of independence. We also understand that each student varies in their learning style ability and experience. Thus, our instructors are trained to adapt lesson plans to suit the student/s levels.
With the 3-days Beginner package we also offer IKO student workbook which has been written by IKO. As well as containing the latest safety information and techniques for C-Shape kites, this essential guide has been fully updated to include important information for the new generation of BOW kites - including sections on self-launching and water-relaunching with Bow Kites. The book includes vital information and interactive content that will easily guide students through the core knowledge of the sport including: weather fundamentals, safety techniques and riding practice techniques - right up to first jumps. The book is suitable for complete beginners through to advanced riders who are jumping and riding upwind. 64 Full Color Pages Format : 15 x 21cm
Course detail
3-day Complete Beginner: Using the latest IKO teaching methods, we place a major emphasis on learning to safely rig / land / launch / fly a 4-Line inflatable kite. We want flying an inflatable kite to become second nature to you. Learn to fly these kites confidently and safely and the board riding will be easier than you would ever expect. In all our lessons we have kept to theory to a minimum and placed more emphasis on getting out on the beach / in the water and DOING it. By the end of the 3 days you should have completed IKO kiteboarder Level 1 and Level 2 and be a independant kiteboarder.
The standard course outline will be as follows and emphasizes hands on practice:
Day 1 : Rigging up a 4 line kite and equipment safety systems, understanding the wind and weather, site assessment and safety, flying a 4-line kite on short lines, launching, landing, water re-launching, emergency quick release, self landing, equipment types and safety systems.
Day 2 : Independently rigging up long lines, flying in the chicken loop, flying confidently at the edge of the wind window, rescue techniques, body dragging techniques, self launching techniques, basic water techniques
Day 3 : Water start techniques, board riding techniques, water re-launch in deep water
Note: 1 day is roughly 2 - 4+ hours group lesson
3-day Beginner package do not need to take in 3 continuous days, they can be over several weekends
>> Next Package

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